Quick & easy to prepare,
just gorgeous.
Long-life to Quality
We are specialized in the study and the production of ready to serve foodstuffs based on the best freeze-dried ingredients and the Italian know-how

Italian passion for food meets innovation
"Rem tene, nutrienta sequentur": we follow the knowledge of our Latin ancestors. We start from the best ingredients available on the market and we process them with the latest technology to preserve their natural structure. Eventually, we combine them with the special care that our Italian tradition taught us.
"Rem tene, nutrienta sequentur": we follow the knowledge of our Latin ancestors. We start from the best ingredients available on the market and we process them with the latest technology to preserve their natural structure. Eventually, we combine them with the special care that our Italian tradition taught us.

The lyophilization technique was first applied to astronauts' food in order to preserve the natural structural composition of the ingredients.
We apply the same principles to bring you the authentic taste with a long life.

Ready to cook meals
One certainty across springing variety: we selected quality and made it simple, fast, and most of all gorgeous.
Pastarotti brand offers Italian regional recipes of Pasta and Risotti.
Arnaboldi brand covers iconic international dishes and organic soups.

Instant ready meals
It only takes hot water and 5 minutes to have a quick, tasty, meal. Rice or Pasta based. Makegusto
Private Label
We have the expertise and all the certifications to meet any client's request.
We have created many successful products for the main Mass Market Retailers.
Gluten-free, Vegan OK, Dietic or just traditional international recipes: we know how to do it.
Organic Baby-food
DolceBaby is a range of certified organic baby-foods that follow the different stages of the growth. Convenient resealable packages for cereal, vegetables, legumes creams and baby-pasta.

Find us in the river Po valley, surrounded by rice fields
Antaar&s S.p.a
Via Aldo Moro 3, Cava Manara
27051 Pavia, Italy
Fax: +39(0)382 55.45.18